
Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

wrong calling '' dialogue in english''

Wrong calling

Q : (calling N) assalamu’alaikum, hello ??
N : wa’alaikumsalam, hello.. the number your calling is not active or complic area
Q : ????? oh, my pulsa is over too :P
N : okay. I will call you. You can die the calling
     (N is calling Q) ........ hellow ?
Q : yes, hellow ?
N : up’s sorry, my handphone is low batt. Waiting for a moment, i will charge my handphone, the first okay
Q : oooh.. oke laah..
      Have you finish ?
N : yes, i have
      Emm.. by the way, why you called me just now ?
Q : emm.. dou you want to know ??
     Why you call me too ?
N : cause my trobe is so much :D
Q : oh!. Ou yea, i want to ask you about something serious
N : what is that ?
Q : do you know ? where is suparman come from ?
N : i think, he is from uning :D
Q : hahahahaha... how can you know it ?
     What is his religion ?
N : want to know ah..
     Maybe christen, Buddha, hindu, islam, katholik, konghucu, or anothers..
Q : woouw.. like gado-gado yeaa... :D
N : cause you said gado-gado, i’m hungry and  i want eat sate. Would you like accompany   me to eat it ?
Q : actually i would. But i have not enough money to buy it
N : it’s easy. You can wash the disease if you have finished eat it
Q : oh no no no no.. i can’t do it. Emm.. you can pay me right ?
N :   oke lah. But next time oke.in the evening, i must ask much money to my father the first
Q : okay. Where will we eat ?
N : in your heart J.. (just kidding). We can eat in cafe. That is lho the place that we have  ever eaten with supraman and catty dj later :D
Q : okay. Don’t forget ye..
N : btw. Who is calling ?
Q : i’m mrs. Q . and you ?
N : i’m mrs. N. I think we never know one anothers
Q : yes, you’re right. I think we have dialed.
      But, we eat sate, don’t we ?
N : oh yes of course. Ok assalamu’alaikum
Q : don’t forget. Wa’alaikumsalam
N : ok ok ok ok ok ok... see uu
Q : you too..

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