
Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

the eagle and the black fur

The eagle and the black fur

                Long-long time ago, there was an eagle with white, cleanest, and beautiful fur. He always sunbathe on the beach day by day again and again for month by month. At the first time, he just wanted to get brown skin like the peoples who took sunbathe at hawai. But caused by so addicted, one day the sunset was very very hot. Actually, he wanted to take sunbathe on that moment. But, he was so spirit, and he so believe, he was obtinate to take sunbathe until the sun has immerse.
            Then, the eagle went back to home. He took the mirror, he very very very suprised   ‘’ WOUW !’’ suddenly, all of his fur was been black. Next, he went to a beauty clinic. The doctor examined him, and the doctor said ‘’ if you take sunbathe don’t forget to use the glad cream. Maybe your cream was expired, so it couldn’t protect your fur from the sun. Or. Oh my god, maybe your fur has cursed. I think, You could use whitening cream that has the frog fur. If u couldn’t find it in 2 months, then your fur would be permanent forever, until your generation’’. The eagle was very very afraid. He again and again tried to find the frog fur. But he couldn’t find it yet until the time. The eagle couldn’t find it yet. So, he had been a black fur forever until his generation. But now, he is proud with his black fur. Cause, he is still thanks to god he can life in the world and go around the world with his spring.

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