
Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

dialogue ''in the hospital''

In the hospital
Created by :® bulqisa putri gawa, and
® izza nafia pinem

{ qisa and steve met in front of the hospital }
Qisa : good afternoon steve
what are you doing here ?
steve : good afternoon qisa
my nose is sick and itch..
qisa : i think you must examine by doctor
steve : oh yes, you’re right
qisa : you can go to ears, nose, and troth room (ENT)
steve : okay. Thanks for advice. Would you accompany me to go there, please ?
qisa : oh, yes i would..

{ in ENT room }
Steve : hello doctor..
Dr. Bejo : hello steve
Steve : doct, i feel my nose is sick and itch.. (haaccim, fluu)
Dr. Bejo : ou, sit down please .Waiting for me okay. I will take some device for examine you
Steve : okay doctor. I will...

{ next after he has ecxamined }
Dr. Bejo : okay steve. I think you just flu. I will give you some recipe. You can find the medicine at apotek penara :D
Steve : thanks for examine doctor
Dr. Bejo : you’re welcome . Hey, don’t forget with your medicine okay. You must drink it 4 times a day Steve : oce doctor. But.. if my disease be continue what i can do ?
Dr.bejo : you can comeback here. And i will examine you again. But you must believe you can get health right.
Steve : oce. Thanks for advice doct
Dr. Bejo : the same to you steve
Steve : o ya, btw, how much ?
Dr. Bejo : oh no thanks. Your face look saddy :D. (just kidding)
Steve : hahaha... thanks again doctor
Dr. Bejo : okay steve.. 

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